Monday, December 30, 2013

Peace Conference-South Asian Perceptive 27- 29th December, 2013

Peace Conference-South Asian Perceptive  
27- 29th December, 2013

Peace Conference--South Asian Perceptive  was organised by South Asian Fraternity,New Delhi  in collaboration with Gandhi Smriti %Darshan Samiti, Rajghat, New Delhi from 27 to 29th December,2013 at Gandhi Darshan, Rajghat, New Delhi.
 Delegates from Allover India, Pakistan, BanglaDesh,, Afghanistan  and SriLanka participated.the list  of participants is enclosed.
   At the inaugural session  Ms Manimala, Director, G.S.D.S. welcomed the delegates at Gandhi Darshan, and said that Mahatma Gandhi  always stressed the need for  communal harmony % integration.
   Shri Satyapaul, Secretary General, Saouth Asian Fraternity while welcoming the delegates  read his welcome speech in which he outlined various problems like visa, trade restrictions, restricted flow of  cultural artists, Absence of Education / Tourist  visa, And unrest over  water sharing between India- Pakistan, India - Bangla Desh, India- Nepal  etc. He hoped that during  theconference some way out shall be found out.
Shri T.N.Chaturvedi, Former Governor in  his inaugural speech emphasized the need of developing mechanism between the countries of the region, so that lives of the people are made much easier/ happier , and the delegates would discuss  how to make improvements in the quality of life, so that  there should be stable Peace & prosperity in the region.

Dr Ved Pratap Vaidik, noted Journalist, spoke about the development of regional Languages among the South Asian countries. He stressed the need of  inclusion of Myanmar, Mauritious,Iran, Tajikstan, Uzbekstan etc in the fold of this Fraternity, and we should plan a larger  people conference  next year, so that we may be able to counter the balance  with Western countries, and have a louder voice in the world.

Remembering his experiences from the interactions with  the leaders of Bangla Desh during the making of the constitution of Bangla Desh  Justice(Retired) Rajinder Sachar appreciated the inclusion of a provision of Interim Govt in that  country. He  suggested the same for Indian states, if not for the  Union.. He emphasized the need of  further promoting the people to people friendship.

Shri A.R..Shervani, Treasurer of S.A.F.while proposing a vote of thanks congratulated the delegates for coming& sitting to gather to discuss about Peace.He traced that his forefathers might have come from the bank of SHERU, a river in Afghanistan, that is why they are called Shervani, so he welcomed his clan brothers.He wished all success to the conference.
After that there was lunch break.

After the lunch session started at 3.00 p.m,and took up VISA problems.
Satyapaul read his niote about the visa problems, which has been published in the souvenir, outlining various problems faced by the delegates of Peace conference. He pointed out that  miscreants/ terrorist seldom  apply for visa,but they come and strike. He  said that  as law abiding citizens they understand the concerns for  national  security, but donot understand the un necessary delays. While computor technologyhas advanced and provide us the speed, then why the government  machinery use it. He stressed that when we apply, our applications should be forwarded to all the agencies/ and respective High Commissions simoultaneously, and not one after the other, it may cut short the time of scrutiny. He also advocated the  the advance booking of rail reservation of the Pakistani/ BanglaDeshi friends after getting Visa, rather a rail reservation window be opened in the respective High Commissions.He also advocated the demand of the  people of Jaisalmer, who are not granted Visa for Pakistan to join with their friends/ relative s in their sorrows/ happy occasions.
Delegates  explained their difficulties in getting visa for India. They demanded that S.A.A.R.C nations should have  one visa  like European union, and South East countries. It may weed out the mistrust, promote trade, friendship etc.

Next  session was presided by Prof Dr. Anisuzzaman  of Bangladesh, in which Trade Problems were discussed. It was pointed out inspite of various agreements reached by S.A.A.R.C summits  the S.A.F.T.A has not been enforced, visa is not being granted to traders, M.F.N status is not granted to all the nations within S.A.A.R.C ..It was pointed out that to promote trade there is need to allow Advertisements in each other countries,  more banks be opened for clearances, Representative  to  promote sales, and persue for payments be allowed to appoint with multiple entry visa
Third session was presided by Shri Satyapaul. He read his note about  the common culture of South Asia, We have to re unite the threads of our common culture, common traditions, customs and  languages. It was suggested that I.C.C.R should be requested to have   M.O.U with its counterparts in S.A.A.R.C countries so that artists and others could  pay exchange visits easily. It was also suggested that at the Retreat ceremony the picture of animosity should be avoided, and people should be allowed to cross the border and sit / watch the ceremony with their friends on each side. It may increase the friendship. Of course necessary security measures may be taken by issuing token and closing the gates to avoid  infiltrators. .

On 28thDecember fourth session was presided by Prof Wadir Safi, of Afghanistan.
He read his paper ---Afghanistan and S.A.A.R.C, and gave inside story of Afghanistan  tracing from the origin, to the present conditions. He said that Taliban are not recognizing the present President Hamid Karzai, as they feel that he will loose the election in April,2014, so they will talk with new regime.
Afghanis have more love for  India than Pakistan,who wants to dominate, and is more engaged in reconstructing Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan is more for  oil. America could not succeed because he could not understand the psyche of the Afghanis, who never accept domination of others.
The fifth session was presided  by Prof Mrs Hema Goonatilake, formerly of the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
H.E.High Commissioner of SriLanka was welcomed by Ms Manimala, Director, and said that Sri Lanka and India has long  ties in Cultural , EducationaL, Religious fields. She  also offered Angvastra, Coconut, and bag full of the litrature of Gandhi Darshan. Shri Satyapaul welcomed the high commissioner and said that when Shri I.K Gujral became the Prime Minister of India he adopted the polcy of non interference in other nations internal matters, and tried to improve the relations. He adopted the policy ---Look to the East.
The High Commissioner spoke at length about Sri Lanka and its relations with India. He informed that education is free upto  graduate level for all. Sri Lanka does not like any interference in her affairs from any body may be from U.S.A OR Belgiam or India. He thinks that every nation should solve its own problems. Regarding  Jafna  he stated that no country can afford separatism, we are ready to hear anybody's genuine demands, and to redress it. Now there is no problem, and people have understood the false propaganda, and returning to their homes.
Mrs Hema in her presidential remarks said that India should be an elder brother, and not big brother, as the  elder brother in a family takes care of younger brothers, and some time sacrifices for others to keep the family in tact.

After the Lunch break sixth session started at 3.30p.m,which was presided over byMr Nisar Ahmed Choudhry of Pakistan.We took up Education  to promote friendship.It was pointed out that modern  technology has broken the barriers of nations,through  internet you can reach anywhere, and study any thing in the whole world. Therefore it is advisable to open the doors of Educational  institutions to everybody. It was pointed out that in India I.C.C.R provides facilities to about 40,000 foreign students every year, but its doors are still not opened to Pakistani students. It was a welcome step, but this university with limited seat  cannot meet the aspirations of larger number of students.
It was pointed out that certain text books still contains some paras/ chapters spreading  hatred against each others, which should be deleted.

On29th December Seventh Session was presided by Prof Dr Anisuzzaman.
We took up  the subject of water sharing. It was pointed out that about 50 years back agreements were made,but now  this problem  has cropped up, and leading to many disputes. It was noted that due to increase in population more water is consumed for drinking, for enhanced areas under cultivations, more house constructions/ industrial complex buildings and so on. On the other hand we are  polluting water by throwing our sewage,, industrial wastes into our rivers/ ponds, we are encroaching  the lands under our ponds and other sources of water.
We have to think over how to increase the water by re charge, and think over the alternative uses of water.
It was felt that we are not expert  in this matter. So it was decided that  we should seek the opinion of the experts. Therefore it was agreed that weshould request our friends to find out experts in 4 catagories--
1. A Retired govt  officials who has worked in water deptt,
2. A legal  person, who can under stand the existing agreements,
3.A university person who can provide  data through internet
4. A humanitarian person who can  coordinate on human basis

It was agreed that S.A.F  should write to friends in Pakistan, Bangla Desh, and Nepal

At the end  Valedictory session was held.Souvenir  of the conference was released. Certificates of participation, Bags of G.S.D.S with litrature of the Samiti were distributed by Satyapaul ,Prof Dr Anisuzzaman, Prof Wadir Safi,Prof Hema Goonatilke, and Mr Nisar Ahmed Choudhry..
The conference  was concluded with good wishes for New Year for Peace.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

विमला ठकार का असामयिक निधन

Patron of SAF Vimala Thakar Passes Away

One of the inspiring patrons of the SAF, a veteran Gandhian and an eminent philosopher Vimala Thakar passed away on Wednesday 11th March, 2009 at her Ashram in Mount Abu (Rajasthan). She motivated the youth of South Asian to work for the peace and prosperity of the region, with her philosophical speeches. The great spiritual leader Vimala Tai was a great inspiration for the youth. She was favouring thinking globally and acting locally for the cause of peace and humanity. She had many young disciples world-wide. She had authored many books on spirituality and leadership in English and other Indian Languages.

Her sudden demise is a great loss for the peace movement of the South Asian Fraternity.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Flood Relief in Remote Areas

Dear Sir,

GOONJ has provides us food material for 300 familiesa and we are
preparing familywise kits. We will distribute it on 1st OCT 2008. As
you know that our team is working in Murliganj Block (ward No 11 and
12) of Madhedpura district intensively. People of there are surrounded
by flood water still and administration is still not succeeded to make
communication with them. We reached there with boat and made a list of
about 300 most poor family. At first, we are providing food there.
After that, we will try to do other activities there like community
development, awareness, PRA etc.

As you know that GOONJ is giving us material support only and we have
to arrange other expenses ourselves. Our office is 55 KM far from the
affected area and we need some cash money also for transportation,
volunteers and other arrangements.

If anyone interested to help us, Please contact
1) Mr. Alok Kumar
State coordinator
Asha Vikash Pariyojana (AVP)
Cell No - 09234828161

2) Ms Pinky Kumari
Coordinator, Purnea (AVP)
Cell No - 09852275160

Sir, tomorrow I am going to Murliganj and return on 1st or 2nd october
2008. I will returned with some rare photographs also because we have
arranged a camera today.

With best regards,

Vinay Tarun
Mob: 09234702353

Note- We are working with the NGO Asha Vikash Pariyojana (AVP). Anyone
can send cash support directly into its flood relief account.
CASH DONATIONS/SUPPORT - For Communication, Collection camps, storage,
sorting, packing, travel, Transportation and local distribution
expenses. Cash donations can be made directly into our Flood Relief
Account or you can send an account payee Cheque / Draft in favour of
Nathnagar, Bhagalpur branch. SBI Core Banking Account No -30475764609.
(All donations are tax exempted u/s- 80 G of IT act.)
Please send a letter about cash donations/supports.

Saturday, August 16, 2008



Sunday, February 10, 2008


आनंदवन में दुःखद क्षण..

Date:10/02/2008 URL:
Front Page
Baba Amte passes away
Special Correspondent
MUMBAI: Great social worker and reformer Baba Amte, who spent his life serving leprosy patients and working for their rehabilitation, passed away at 4.15 a.m. on Saturday.
The end came at his commune for leprosy patients ‘Anandvan’ at Warora village in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. He was 93.
Murlidhar Devidas Amte, popularly known as Baba, was suffering from cancer for the past several years. His health deteriorated two days ago. He is survived by sons Prakash Amte and Vikas Amte, both doctors and are on the same path of service to humanity. They work among the tribals of Chandrapur and Gadchiroli.
Baba Amte was born on 26 December 1914 in a wealthy family of landlords of Hinganghat in Wardha district of Maharashtra. But as a child he used to play with children of other castes and eat with servants.
He was a freedom-fighter whom Gandhiji had called “abhay sadhak” (fearless seeker of truth). It is said that his encounter with a leprosy patients changed his life, and he made their welfare and rehabilitation a life-time mission.
He founded a commune called Anandvan Ashram for them at Warora. where he began practising law. Soon his work spread to over 60 villages around and other parts of Maharashtra.
Baba went to the Kolkata School of Tropical Medicine and learnt how to treat the leprosy patients with the wonder drug diamino-diphenyl sulphone. But above all he educated society to remove the stigma of the disease that had made the life of the patients so miserable.
Baba Amte undertook a number of social welfare and reform activities involving youth. He undertook the ‘Bharat Jodo’ movement to unite the country and promote peace, harmony and protection of environment. He joined the Narmada Bachao Andolan to fight for the cause of the tribals.
He received many national and international awards, including Padma Vibhushan, Gandhi Peace Prize, Ramon Magsaysay and Templeton Prize. His funeral will be held on Sunday at Anandvan.
Courtesy – The Hindu © Copyright 2000 - 2008 The Hindu

Tearful adieu to Baba Amte with full state honours

Warora (PTI): Gandhian and social worker of international repute, Murlidhar Devidas alias Baba Amte was given a state funeral at his Anandvan ashram on Sunday morning in the presence of thousands of his admirers and mourners from across the state.
A 21-gun salute to late Baba Amte was given as his mortal remains were lowered in a grave near the bamboo plantation in the ashram complex amdist a solemn atmosphere, highly charged with emotions. Mourners raised slogans like "Baba Amte amar rahe" (Baba Amte will be immortal) and "Bharat Jodo" (unite India).
His wife, Sadhnatai, sons, Dr Vikas and Dr Prakash, their spouses and grand children stood in grief as the nation mourned the loss.
Amte passed away on Saturday at 4.15 am due to a type of blood cancer. He was 94.
Earlier, the body wrapped in tri-colour was kept in an open area near his cottage for mourners to pay their last respect.
It was taken to the burial site in a decorated vehicle. Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh led the entire state and country in paying homage to the departed leader. He was accompanied by state Agriculture Minister Balasaheb Thorat and Dairy Development Minister Anees Ahmed and host of VVIPs and others.
Deshmukh, Thorat and Ahmed placed wreath to pay homage to the departed leader and a recipient of the state government's highest award "Maharashtra Bhushan" in 2004.

News Update Service

News Update ServiceSunday, February 10, 2008 : 1540 Hrs

For passing over condolences

Contacts of Baba's sons :-
For Anandvan Mr. Vikas Amte Phone : 91 7176 282034, 91 7176 282425 Mobile : 9822466734 Email :
For Hemalkasa, Lok Biradari ProjectMr. Prakash Amte Phone : 91 7134 220001Mobile : 9423121803 Email :
"Baba felt that nobody should feel grief for any reason, hence he named it Anandvan. He always shared 'anand' with every inmate of the Anandvan. Now... the saddest moment, Baba left everybody... No, Baba is with us..always with us... in out thoughts, in our deeds ... He is giving a message to spread and see everybody in Anand i.e. happiness." - Dr. Babu

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

International Youth Conference on Satyagraha & Geeta Pravachana at the Youth Hostel, Puri on February 16 & 17 (Sat, Sun), 2008.

South Asian Fraternity,
6, Lajpat Bhawan, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi – 11 00 24
Geetai Mission,
Paramdham Ashram, Paunar, Wardha – 44 21 11

Ref. No: SAF/Conf/_ _ _ _ Date: Jan 15, 2008

Dear friend,

Please refer to our Circular Letter dated 27.12.07, requesting you to participate & motivate young friends to attend the International Youth Conference on Satyagraha & Geeta Pravachana at the Youth Hostel, Puri on February 16 & 17 (Sat, Sun), 2008.

You may be working for this. We shall be glad to get your positive response at your earliest convenience which will help us to make suitable arrangements for accommodation & food etc. Your late response may be inconvenient to you & us also, as we have limited the number of delegates, beyond that we may regret to admit.

Looking forward for your early response.

With good wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Satya Paul,
Secretary General,
South Asian Fraternity,
Lajpat Bhavan, Lajpat Nagar IV,
New Delhi – 11 00 24

Ms. Pravina Desai,
Secretary, Geetai Mission,
Paramdham Ashram, Paunar,
Wardha – 442 111. (Maharashtra)

<> &

International Youth Conference on Satyagraha & Geeta Pravachana

South Asian Fraternity,
6, Lajpat Bhawan, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi – 11 00 24
Geetai Mission,
Paramdham Ashram, Paunar, Wardha – 44 21 11

Ref. No: SAF/Conf/137 Date: 27.12.2007

Dear Friend,

The nation is celebrating the Centenary of Satyagraha initially started by Mahatma Gandhi in 1907 & also the 75th year of Geeta Pravachana written by Sant Vinobaji. Geeta Pravachana has been translated into 18 Indian & 8 foreign languages. So far more than 26 lakh copies have been sold. It contains guidelines for every aspect of life.

We are planning to organize an International Youth Conference on Satyagraha & Geeta Pravachana at the Youth Hostel, Puri, Orissa on February 16 & 17 (Sat, Sun), 2008. We intend to invite about 200 youths from various countries & streams.

We shall invite articles on Satyagraha & Geeta Pravachana from eminent Gandhians to be read in the conference & published in the Souvenir. We shall invite some Gandhian thinkers to address the delegates.

Since we are not depending on government grant, we may not be able to reimburse the traveling expenses. However, we shall provide free vegetarian food & simple accommodation.

We extend invitation to all interested young friends to join in the deliberations of this conference to think over how Satyagraha & Geeta Pravachana can help to solve the problems of violence & lead us to a joyful community life.

Suggested Topics :
1 Satyagraha in modern context in social and public life,
2 Role of Geeta Pravachana in preparing the real spirit of Satyagraha,
3 Spiritual / Moral base of Satyagrahis,
4 Geeta Pravachana to promote peace & communal harmony,
5 Satyagraha for preservation of environment,
6 Antyodaya to counter violence in public life,
7 Women empowerment through Geeta Pravachana,
8 Social justice through Satyagraha & Geeta Pravachana.

Please motivate one male & one female young friend to participate.

Please send the application on a simple paper & wait for our selection letter.

With prayers for peace.

Yours sincerely,

Satya Paul,
Secretary General,
South Asian Fraternity,
Lajpat Bhavan, Lajpat Nagar IV,
New Delhi – 11 00 24

Ms. Pravina Desai
Secretary, Geetai Mission,
Paramdham Ashram, Paunar,
Wardha – 442 111. (Maharashtra)Email: