Wednesday, March 11, 2009

विमला ठकार का असामयिक निधन

Patron of SAF Vimala Thakar Passes Away

One of the inspiring patrons of the SAF, a veteran Gandhian and an eminent philosopher Vimala Thakar passed away on Wednesday 11th March, 2009 at her Ashram in Mount Abu (Rajasthan). She motivated the youth of South Asian to work for the peace and prosperity of the region, with her philosophical speeches. The great spiritual leader Vimala Tai was a great inspiration for the youth. She was favouring thinking globally and acting locally for the cause of peace and humanity. She had many young disciples world-wide. She had authored many books on spirituality and leadership in English and other Indian Languages.

Her sudden demise is a great loss for the peace movement of the South Asian Fraternity.